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Часы и таймеры
Сообщений 1 страница 14 из 14
Поделиться22007-12-23 12:00:34
например Таймер который показывает время работы на странице:
<script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript> <!-- var startDate = new Date(); function timer() { var theDate = new Date(); var differ = theDate - startDate; var hours, minutes, seconds; hours = Math.floor(differ/(1000*60*60)); hours = (hours > 60) ? hours%60 : hours; hours = (hours < 10) ? "0" + hours : hours; minutes = Math.floor(differ/(1000*60)); minutes = (minutes > 60) ? minutes%60 : minutes; minutes = (minutes < 10) ? "0" + minutes : minutes; seconds = Math.round(differ/1000); seconds = (seconds > 60) ? seconds%60 : seconds; seconds = (seconds < 10) ? "0" + seconds : seconds; var strDate = hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds; document.forms['timerForm'].timerBox.value=strDate; setTimeout("timer()", 1000);} //--> </script> </head> <body onload=timer()> <form name=timerForm>Вы работаете со страницей <input size=6 name=timerBox></form>
Поделиться32007-12-24 10:46:17
Krait Спасибо не прям то что искал но тоже подойдет....
Поделиться42007-12-24 14:30:02
Скромненькие часики в input (ч/м/с)
<body bgcolor=white> <title>http://bjs.stsland.ru/ - Áàçà ßâà Ñêðèïòîâ (bjs)</title> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- Hide the script from old browsers -- var timerID = null var timerRunning = false function stopclock(){ if(timerRunning) clearTimeout(timerID) timerRunning = false } function startclock(){ stopclock() showtime() } function showtime(){ var now = new Date() var hours = now.getHours() var minutes = now.getMinutes() var seconds = now.getSeconds() var timeValue = "" + ((hours > 12) ? hours - 12 : hours) var timeValue1 = "" + ((hours < 10) ? "0" : "") + hours timeValue += ((minutes < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + minutes timeValue1 += ((minutes < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + minutes timeValue += ((seconds < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + seconds timeValue1 += ((seconds < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + seconds timeValue += (hours >= 12) ? " P.M." : " A.M." document.clock.face.value = timeValue document.clock.face.value = timeValue1; timerID = setTimeout("showtime()",1000) timerRunning = true } // -- End Hiding Here --> </script> <body onLoad="startclock()"> <center> <form name="clock" onSubmit="0"> <input type="text" name="face" size=8 value=""> </form></center>
Поделиться52007-12-24 14:31:17
Часики, показывающие Время, месяц, число, год
<body bgcolor=white> <title>http://bjs.stsland.ru/ - Áàçà ßâà Ñêðèïòîâ (bjs)</title> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var now = new Date(); var hours = now.getHours(); var minutes = now.getMinutes(); var timeValue = "" + ((hours >12) ? hours -12 :hours) timeValue += ((minutes < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + minutes timeValue += (hours >= 12) ? " P.M." : " A.M." timerRunning = true; mydate = new Date(); myday = mydate.getDay(); mymonth = mydate.getMonth(); myweekday= mydate.getDate(); weekday= myweekday; myyear= mydate.getYear(); year = myyear if(myday == 0) day = " Sunday, " else if(myday == 1) day = " Monday, " else if(myday == 2) day = " Tuesday, " else if(myday == 3) day = " Wednesday, " else if(myday == 4) day = " Thursday, " else if(myday == 5) day = " Friday, " else if(myday == 6) day = " Saturday, " if(mymonth == 0) month = "January " else if(mymonth ==1) month = "February " else if(mymonth ==2) month = "March " else if(mymonth ==3) month = "April " else if(mymonth ==4) month = "May " else if(mymonth ==5) month = "June " else if(mymonth ==6) month = "July " else if(mymonth ==7) month = "August " else if(mymonth ==8) month = "September " else if(mymonth ==9) month = "October " else if(mymonth ==10) month = "November " else if(mymonth ==11) month = "December" document.write("<B><P ALIGN=RIGHT><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE=VERDANA,ARIAL>" + timeValue + " | " +day + month); document.write(myweekday+","+ " " + year + "</FONT></B><BR><HR WIDTH=300 ALIGN=RIGHT><P>"); </SCRIPT>
Поделиться62007-12-24 14:34:39
Красивые часики в нижнем углу!
<html> <head> <title>http://bjs.stsland.ru/ - Áàçà ßâà Ñêðèïòîâ (bjs)</title> <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251"> <Style> A:Link{ Color: #000000; Text-decoration: underline} A:Visited{ Color: #000000; Text-decoration: underline} A:Hover{ Color: #000000; Text-decoration: none} td, body {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica; font-size:11px;} </Style> <!-- HEAD START HERE --> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Original: Kurt Grigg (kurt.grigg@virgin.net) --> <!-- Web Site: http://website.lineone.net/~kurt.grigg/javascript --> <!-- This script and many more are available free online at --> <!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com --> <!-- Begin fCol = '000000'; //face colour. sCol = 'ff0000'; //seconds colour. mCol = 'blue'; //minutes colour. hCol = 'green'; //hours colour. 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Поделиться72007-12-24 14:35:41
Графические часы (am/pm)!
<title>http://bjs.stsland.ru/ - Áàçà ßâà Ñêðèïòîâ (bjs)</title> <body bgcolor=#333399> <p align=center> <font color=#fffccc face=verdana size=3>Ãðàôè÷åñêèå ÷àñû <br><br> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var digit = new Array() digit[0] = new Image(16, 21) digit[1] = new Image(16, 21) digit[2] = new Image(16, 21) digit[3] = new Image(16, 21) digit[4] = new Image(16, 21) digit[5] = new Image(16, 21) digit[6] = new Image(16, 21) digit[7] = new Image(16, 21) digit[8] = new Image(16, 21) digit[9] = new Image(16, 21) digit[10] = new Image(16, 21) // am digit[11] = new Image(16, 21) // pm digit[12] = new Image(9, 21) // colon digit[13] = new Image(9, 21) // blank // assign sources to digit image objects (0 - 9) for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { digit[i].src = getPath(location.href) + "dg" + i + ".gif" } // assign sources to other image objects digit[10].src = getPath(location.href) + "dgam.gif" digit[11].src = getPath(location.href) + "dgpm.gif" digit[12].src = getPath(location.href) + "dgc.gif" digit[13].src = getPath(location.href) + "dgb.gif" // set initial time values to impossible ones var hour1 = getHour(0) var hour2 = getHour(1) var minute1 = getMinute(0) var minute2 = getMinute(1) var ampm = getAmpm() var colon = false // get array substring of first clock image in document.images array var start = document.images.length // number of images in document // print initial clock var openImage = "<IMG SRC=\"" + getPath(location.href) + "dg" var closeImage = ".gif\" HEIGHT=21 WIDTH=16>" document.write(openImage + hour1 + closeImage) document.write(openImage + hour2 + closeImage) document.write(openImage + "c.gif\" HEIGHT=21 WIDTH=9>") document.write(openImage + minute1 + closeImage) document.write(openImage + minute2 + closeImage) document.write(openImage + ((ampm == 10) ? "am" : "pm") + closeImage) var timerID = null var timerRunning = false update() function setClock() { if (getHour(0) != hour1) { // not getHours()! hour1 = getHour(0) document.images[start].src = digit[hour1].src } if (getHour(1) != hour2) { // not getHours()! hour2 = getHour(1) document.images[start + 1].src = digit[hour2].src } colon = !colon if (!colon) document.images[start + 2].src = digit[13].src else document.images[start + 2].src = digit[12].src if (getMinute(0) != minute1) { // not getMinutes()! minute1 = getMinute(0) document.images[start + 3].src = digit[minute1].src } if (getMinute(1) != minute2) { // not getMinutes()! minute2 = getMinute(1) document.images[start + 4].src = digit[minute2].src } if (getAmpm() != ampm) { ampm = getAmpm() document.images[start + 5].src = digit[ampm].src } timerID = setTimeout("setClock()",1000) timerRunning = true } function update() { stopClock() setClock() } function stopClock() { if (timerRunning) clearTimeout(timerID) timerRunning = false } function getHour(place) { var now = new Date() var hour = now.getHours() if (hour >= 12) hour -= 12 hour = (hour == 0) ? 12 : hour if (hour < 10) hour = "0" + hour // do not parse number! hour += "" return parseInt(hour.charAt(place)) } function getMinute(place) { var now = new Date() var minute = now.getMinutes() if (minute < 10) minute = "0" + minute // do not parse number! minute += "" return parseInt(minute.charAt(place)) } function getAmpm() { var now = new Date() var hour = now.getHours() if (hour >= 12) return 11 // pm /* else */ return 10 // am } function getPath(url) { lastSlash = url.lastIndexOf("/") return url.substring(0, lastSlash + 1) } // --> </script>
Поделиться82007-12-24 14:36:47
Красивые графические часы!
<html> <head> <title>http://bjs.stsland.ru/ - Áàçà ßâà Ñêðèïòîâ (bjs)</title> <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251"> <Style> A:Link{ Color: #000000; Text-decoration: underline} A:Visited{ Color: #000000; Text-decoration: underline} A:Hover{ Color: #000000; Text-decoration: none} td, body {font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica; font-size:11px;} </Style> <!-- HEAD START HERE --> <Script Language="JavaScript1.1"> var dn c1=new Image(); c1.src="c1.gif" c2=new Image(); c2.src="c2.gif" c3=new Image(); c3.src="c3.gif" c4=new Image(); c4.src="c4.gif" c5=new Image(); c5.src="c5.gif" c6=new Image(); c6.src="c6.gif" c7=new Image(); c7.src="c7.gif" c8=new Image(); c8.src="c8.gif" c9=new Image(); c9.src="c9.gif" c0=new Image(); c0.src="c0.gif" cb=new Image(); cb.src="cb.gif" cam=new Image(); cam.src="cam.gif" cpm=new Image(); cpm.src="cpm.gif" function extract(h,m,s,type) {if (!document.images) return if (h<=9) {document.images.a.src=cb.src document.images.b.src=eval("c"+h+".src")} else {document.images.a.src=eval("c"+Math.floor(h/10)+".src") document.images.b.src=eval("c"+(h%10)+".src")} if (m<=9) {document.images.d.src=c0.src document.images.e.src=eval("c"+m+".src")} else {document.images.d.src=eval("c"+Math.floor(m/10)+".src") document.images.e.src=eval("c"+(m%10)+".src")} if (s<=9) {document.g.src=c0.src document.images.h.src=eval("c"+s+".src")} else {document.images.g.src=eval("c"+Math.floor(s/10)+".src") document.images.h.src=eval("c"+(s%10)+".src")} if (dn=="AM") document.j.src=cam.src else document.images.j.src=cpm.src} function show3() {if (!document.images) return var Digital=new Date() var hours=Digital.getHours() var minutes=Digital.getMinutes() var seconds=Digital.getSeconds() dn="AM" if ((hours>=12)&&(minutes>=1)||(hours>=13)) {dn="PM" hours=hours-12} if (hours==0) hours=12 extract(hours,minutes,seconds,dn) setTimeout("show3()",1000)} </Script> <!-- HEAD END HERE --> </head> <body bgcolor="#EDEDED" text="#000000" link="#000000" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" OnLoad="show3()"> <center> <!-- BODY START HERE --> <Img Src="cb.gif" Name="a" border=0><Img Src="cb.gif" Name="b" border=0><Img Src="colon.gif" Name="c" border=0><Img Src="cb.gif" Name="d" border=0><Img Src="cb.gif" Name="e" border=0><Img Src="colon.gif" Name="f" border=0><Img Src="cb.gif" Name="g" border=0><Img Src="cb.gif" Name="h" border=0><Img Src="cam.gif" Name="j" border=0> <!-- BODY END HERE --> </center> </body> </html>
Поделиться92007-12-24 14:39:05
Время в строке title!
<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251"> <title>http://bjs.stsland.ru/ - Áàçà ßâà Ñêðèïòîâ (bjs)</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" onload="start(document.forms[0])" onunload="cleartids()"> <script language="JavaScript"> timestr = "00:00:00"; tid = 0; pause = 0; var to; var bcount; var tcount; function writer(){ document.write("test"); } function time(n) { tid=window.setTimeout("time(1)",to); today = new Date() if(today.getMinutes() < 10){ pad = "0"} else pad = ""; if(today.getSeconds() < 10){ pads = "0"} else pads = ""; timestr=today.getHours()+":"+pad+today.getMinutes()+":"+pads+today.getSeconds(); document.title = timestr; window.clearTimeout(tid); tid=window.setTimeout("time()",to); } function start(x) { f=x; to=60; time(x); } function cleartids() { window.clearTimeout(tid); } </script> <p>Ñìîòðèòå íà çàãîëîâîê ñòðàíèöû...</p> </body> </html>
Поделиться102007-12-24 14:42:36
Красивые наручные часы!
<HTML> <HEAD> <title>http://bjs.stsland.ru/ - Áàçà ßâà Ñêðèïòîâ (bjs)</title> <SCRIPT language=JavaScript> var clipTop=0 var clipBottom=clipTop+60 var clipLeft var clipRight var isNS if (document.layers) { (isNS=true) } var HIDDEN = (isNS) ? 'hide' : 'hidden'; var VISIBLE = (isNS) ? 'show' : 'visible'; var imgSeconds var imgMinutes var imgHours var imgClock var textDate var textDay var textLink var clipHours="" var clipMinutes="" var clipSeconds="" var startLeft=-5 var startTop=85 var tunePosHour =-2 function initObjects() { if (document.all) { imgSeconds = document.all.imgSeconds.style imgMinutes = document.all.imgMinutes.style imgHours = document.all.imgHours.style imgClock = document.all.imgClock.style textDate = document.all.textDate.style textDay = document.all.textDay.style textLink = document.all.textLink.style startLeft=-3 startTop=89 imgHours.posTop=startTop imgMinutes.posTop=startTop imgSeconds.posTop=startTop textDate.posTop = 111 textDate.posLeft = 75 textDay.posTop = 111 textDay.posLeft = 41 textLink.posTop = 220 textLink.posLeft = -9 imgSeconds.visibility=VISIBLE imgMinutes.visibility=VISIBLE imgHours.visibility=VISIBLE imgClock.visibility=VISIBLE textDate.visibility=VISIBLE textDay.visibility=VISIBLE textLink.visibility=VISIBLE tickIE() } if (document.layers) { imgSeconds = document.imgSeconds imgMinutes = document.imgMinutes imgHours = document.imgHours imgClock = document.imgClock textDate = document.textDate textDay = document.textDay textLink = document.textLink startLeft=-1 startTop=80 imgHours.top=startTop imgMinutes.top=startTop imgSeconds.top=startTop textDate.top = 104 textDate.left = 75 textDay.top = 104 textDay.left = 40 textLink.top = 220 textLink.left = -10 imgSeconds.visibility=VISIBLE imgMinutes.visibility=VISIBLE imgHours.visibility=VISIBLE imgClock.visibility=VISIBLE textDate.visibility=VISIBLE textDay.visibility=VISIBLE textLink.visibility=VISIBLE tickNS() } } function tickIE() { var now = new Date() var nowHours = now.getHours() var nowMinutes = now.getMinutes() var nowSeconds = now.getSeconds() if (nowHours >= 12) {nowHours=nowHours-12} imgHours.posLeft=-(nowHours*60*5+((Math.round(nowMinutes/12))*60)+startLeft+tunePosHour) clipLeft = -(imgHours.posLeft)+30 clipRight= clipLeft+56 clipHours ="rect("+clipTop+" "+clipRight+" "+clipBottom+" "+clipLeft+")" imgHours.clip=clipHours imgMinutes.posLeft=-((nowMinutes)*60+startLeft) clipLeft = -(imgMinutes.posLeft)+30 clipRight= clipLeft+56 clipMinutes ="rect("+clipTop+" "+clipRight+" "+clipBottom+" "+clipLeft+")" imgMinutes.clip=clipMinutes imgSeconds.posLeft=-((nowSeconds)*60+startLeft) clipLeft = -(imgSeconds.posLeft)+35 clipRight= clipLeft+56 clipSeconds ="rect("+clipTop+" "+clipRight+" "+clipBottom+" "+clipLeft+")" imgSeconds.clip=clipSeconds var runClock = setTimeout("tickIE()", 100); } function tickNS() { var now = new Date() var nowHours = now.getHours() var nowMinutes = now.getMinutes() var nowSeconds = now.getSeconds() if (nowHours >= 12) {nowHours=nowHours-12} imgHours.left=-(nowHours*60*5+((Math.round(nowMinutes/12))*60)+startLeft+tunePosHour+2) clipLeft = -(imgHours.left)+30 clipRight= clipLeft+56 imgHours.clip.left = clipLeft imgHours.clip.right = clipRight imgHours.clip.top = clipTop imgHours.clip.bottom = clipBottom imgMinutes.left=-((nowMinutes)*60+startLeft) clipLeft = -(imgMinutes.left)+30 clipRight= clipLeft+56 imgMinutes.clip.left = clipLeft imgMinutes.clip.right = clipRight imgMinutes.clip.top = clipTop imgMinutes.clip.bottom = clipBottom imgSeconds.left=-((nowSeconds)*60+startLeft) clipLeft = -(imgSeconds.left)+35 clipRight= clipLeft+56 imgSeconds.clip.left = clipLeft imgSeconds.clip.right = clipRight imgSeconds.clip.top = clipTop imgSeconds.clip.bottom = clipBottom var runClock = setTimeout("tickNS()", 100); } </SCRIPT> <STYLE>.imgall { POSITION: absolute; VISIBILITY: hidden}</STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY bgColor=#ffffff onload=initObjects()> <DIV class=imgall id=imgClock><IMG src="clock2.jpg"></DIV> <SCRIPT language=JavaScript> var heute = new Date() var wochentag = heute.getDay() var heuteDatum = heute.getDate() if (wochentag==0) { wochentag = "âñ." } else if (wochentag==1) { wochentag = "ïí." } else if (wochentag==2) { wochentag = "âò." } else if (wochentag==3) { wochentag = "ñð." } else if (wochentag==4) { wochentag = "÷ò." } else if (wochentag==5) { wochentag = "ïò." } else if (wochentag==6) { wochentag = "ñá." } document.write('<DIV ID = "textDate" CLASS = "imgall"><font size=1>'+heuteDatum+'</font></DIV>') document.write('<DIV ID = "textDay" CLASS = "imgall"><font size=1>'+wochentag+'</font></DIV>') </SCRIPT> <DIV class=imgall id=imgHours><IMG src="hours2.gif"></DIV> <DIV class=imgall id=imgMinutes><IMG src="minutes2.gif"></DIV> <DIV class=imgall id=imgSeconds><IMG src="seconds2.gif"></DIV> <DIV ID = "textLink" CLASS = "imgall"> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0" width=160><tr><td align=center><font size=1><br><br> <br><br><br></td><td></td></tr></tr></table> </DIV> </BODY> </HTML>
Поделиться112007-12-25 07:27:19
Krait Спасибо не прям то что искал но тоже подойдет....
а что ты искал????
ТО anabound ---> не надо помещать подряд несколько постов!!!! :rtfm: правила везде одинаковые!!!! я тоже мог бы поместь штук 10 скриптов!!! а в целом не плохо попозднее поюзаю и напишу своё мнение по поводу твоих скриптов
Поделиться122007-12-25 14:39:47
ТО anabound ---> не надо помещать подряд несколько постов!!!! правила везде одинаковые!!!! я тоже мог бы поместь штук 10 скриптов!!! а в целом не плохо попозднее поюзаю и напишу своё мнение по поводу твоих скриптов
Просто в одном посте они не помещаются! Вот и пришлось по одному сбрасывать!
Поделиться132007-12-25 14:47:23
Можно просто отключить счетчик сообщений в этом разделе...
Поделиться142007-12-27 00:21:07
Можно просто отключить счетчик сообщений в этом разделе...
да думаю не стоит